Universities Are Moving to Distance Learning Due to Coronavirus

The coronavirus is proving to be even more deadly and disastrous as it was initially believed to be and what started as an epidemic has now turned into a full blown pandemic with about 200 countries of the world getting affected from this virus.  The world is on the verge of lockdown with so many advanced countries in the world already shutting down daily operations, asking people to stay home and not allowing more than two people to stand at any public place. This has not only affected the overall economy and the system but it is also affecting the education sector as all the schools, universities and colleges have been shut for an undeclared period of time.

The main purpose behind closing academic institutes has been to limit the interaction between students so that the spread of the virus could be controlled. The more students will interact, the more chances are that they will take this virus home affecting their elderly parents, grandparents or younger siblings.  It is essential to understand the significance of going in quarantine or isolation as this is the only way to contain this virus and control the widely spreading pandemic. However, this also does not mean that everything has come to a halt; things are moving but in a different manner. People are working from home, official meetings are being held online and students are being moved to distance learning so that the world goes on.

Universities have instructed their students to stay home and take on the distance learning path due to coronavirus so that they are in a better position to manage things while at the same time dispensing education to prevent academic loss.

How distance learning is helping students in these dangerous times

Distance learning is playing a key role even in these times when things are so uncertain; people do not know what they will be facing next and if things will ever be the same again.  Every university had a distance learning or online learning program for students who were unable to come to the university or was unable to secure admission in the regular courses due to any reason. This has already worked well for thousands of students who are graduates of the elite institutes and have been doing well in their professional careers and they are hopeful that it will also work now.

Considering the gravity of the situation and the danger the students face by congregating and assembling these days, the prospect of distance learning is the best as it is helping students stay connected with their teachers and counsellors. At this time it is very important to keep their sanity and keep them busy when they are stuck at home and have nothing to do except listen to the horrors of coronavirus. According to the relevant authorities, they are taking all the steps to ensure that the students do not end up facing losses just because they were unable to attend the university and are instructing students to make use of the university portals where they can continue to connect with their teachers and get lectures, homework and assignment help to work without any interruption.

Distance learning has made things very easy; even though the labs are empty, there is no one in the lecture halls and the practical labs are bare of the eager scientists to be, learning and development do not have to stop. The main problem that the universities are facing is lack of knowledge regarding as to who could be the carrier and end up spreading the virus and this is the only reason they are moving to distance learning. These strict measures were really important to ensure the safety and life of students.

Students and their families and the administrations are not very thrilled at the idea of closing everything down but this is one situation where no one can do anything. Programs have been postponed or cancelled, events had to be put on hold and seminars have been shelved for the unforeseen period just because no one knows when things will get back to normal and even after getting normal, how they would move forward. These are practising times for everyone; parents, students as well the academic authorities who are helpless.

By moving to distance learning due to coronavirus, universities are giving out a message that they are not ready to be defeated. The students might not come to the campus but they will continue to dispense education through distance learning and ensure that the students are fully prepared to move forward by getting their courses covered and completed without waste of time.