Windows 10 Releases New Hacker and Virus Protection 

Windows 10 Releases Virus Protection

Millions of Windows 10 users are facing two essential vulnerabilities. The nature of these vulnerabilities is severe. These security vulnerabilities are lasting some severe impacts on the user experience of the Windows 10 users. To provide the best user experience to the users, Microsoft has released a software update for the Windows 10 users. Microsoft has released these updates quietly. Microsoft has taken immediate action against these security vulnerabilities. The main impact of these two security vulnerabilities is on Microsoft Windows codec library. Its reason is that it can easily handle the objects in the library. Now, the problem is that no one has reported these security vulnerabilities. Anyhow, Microsoft has released emergency patches to save the users from the wild attack of the hackers. Microsoft has asked the users to deploy the new patches. Its reason is that these vulnerabilities will become the cause of the attack of hackers.


In the form of these security patches, Microsoft is going to bring new and powerful security features for the Windows 10 users. It is expected that these new security patches will be game-changer in the security and privacy of the Windows 10. These new security features have been rolled out in the latest version of the Windows 10. The new security feature of the Windows 10 is known as KDP (Kernel Data Protection). Assignment writing service firm says this essential feature of the Windows 10 will be something for the security game-changer for your system. This new security protection was introduced by the Security Kernel Core Team. This essential security protection is helpful for users to prevent the data from corruption. This essential security feature allows the developers to secure a certain part of the Windows. That’s why it is running in the read-only mode for the users. It is available in the form of the set of application programming interfaces. These essential interfaces stop hackers from modifying protected memory in the systems.


The most important benefit of this virus protection is that it blocks those threat actors in your system that are relying on data corruption. After relying on data corruption, they use some specific methodologies to facilitate their attacks. As a result of these attacks, some malicious software and applications are installed in your system. After installing this malicious software and applications, the hackers use this malicious software and applications to perform lots of tasks. Most importantly, they use this malicious software and applications to steal private information from your system. If you have saved credit card information in your system, hackers can easily steal this information. The hackers can also use this malicious software and applications to steal the login details of various accounts. After stealing this essential information, they can use this information for their benefits. After the introduction of the KDP in Windows 10, your systems are more secured than ever before.


Windows 10 Releases Virus Protection 1


First of all, Microsoft mentioned KDP when it introduces secured core PCs into the market. According to Microsoft, these PCs have the combined identity of the visualization, operating system and firmware protection. The main concern of the KDP was on its virtualization-based security. This essential security feature comes into the force with the concern of the KDP. Another benefit of this security feature is that it operates on the API. It means that this security feature separates the Windows from the rest of the system. If Windows is separated from the rest of the system, it means that Microsoft is providing security of the Windows. If Windows is secured in your system, it means that the rest of the system will also be secured.


In the past, KDP and VBS were working on the secured PCs only. Now, its good news for the users that it can also work on other PCs too. Its reason is that Windows 10 has included these security features. If you have installed Windows 10 in your system, you will also get benefits of these features. Its reason is that these features will be automatically installed in your PC. If you have installed Windows 10 before the introduction of these features, you can also enjoy these features. For this reason, you just need to update Windows in your PC. For this reason, Windows 10 has started to show the option of update in the PCs. Its reason is that Microsoft has lots of concerns about the security of their users.


The main reason for the introduction of these security features is that Microsoft is playing cards with hackers. That’s why Microsoft has played this card against the hackers. By introducing the Kernel Data Protection technology, it is hard for the hackers to use data corruption techniques. Before the introduction of this security feature, it was easy for the hackers to use the data corruption technique to bypass the security privileges. With the introduction of this security feature, it is also possible for Microsoft to change the important memory structure and settings. According to Microsoft, with their new security features, hackers have lots of frustrations. Its reason is that it is hard for the hackers to exploit these security features.


According to Microsoft, this technology has also some essential features. First of all, this technology is helpful for the performance improvement of a system. Its reason is that this technology lessens the burden on the attestation components. For this reason, there is no need for the system to verify the data variables. As a result, the performance of a system will be enhanced. Secondly, this technology is also helpful to improve the reliability of a system. Its reason is that with the help of this technology, it is helpful for us to diagnose the memory corruption bugs. As a result, the system doesn’t need to face the security vulnerability problems. If a system is not facing security vulnerability problems, it means that it has better security. It is also the best technology to improve the compatibility of a system. It is improving the compatibility of a system by providing incentives for the driver developers. Now, we should update our system.